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TKP-ML: Those Immortalized In The Struggle For Revolution And Communism Commemorated!

Those Immortalized in the Struggle for Revolution and Communism Commemorated!

Those immortalized in the struggle for revolution and communism were commemorated with various
actions and events.

‘We will carry the torch they carry further!’

Forces affiliated to the TKP-ML TIKKO Martyr Action Star Battalion commemorated the immortals
on the battlefields.

Forces affiliated to the Martyr Action Star Battalion commemorated the immortals on the battlefields.
Firstly, the January statement of the TKP-ML CC was read at the commemoration. Then a speech was
made on behalf of the S.Eylem Yıldız Battalion Command. In this speech, the recent developments in
the world and especially in the Middle East were mentioned and it was stated that ‘As the
developments in Syria show, the liberation of the oppressed is not possible unless the people have a
party armed with the ideology of the proletariat’ and ‘Our party is the party of martyrs and we repeat
our commitment to them and the promise that we will remain worthy of their lives and struggles ’.

Fighters from the Ş.Eylem Yıldız Battalion also spoke at the commemoration. In these speeches, the
message was given that “We will continue to walk on the path that Maria Suphi, Meral Yakar, Sefagül
Kesgin showed us and we renew our promise this week that we will carry the torch they carry further’.

A film on the life of the martyrs and the history of the proletarian party was also screened.

The commemoration ended with slogans and applause.

‘From Ozanyan to Bagıryan, martyrs of the revolution are immortal’

Nubar Ozanyan Brigade fighters commemorated the martyrs of revolution and communism at many
different points on the Til Temir and Kobanê front lines.

Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Brigade fighters commemorated the martyrs of the revolution.
Commemorations commemorating those immortalised in the struggle for revolution and democracy in
the person of Paramaz, Armenak Bakır, Nubar Yalım, Levon Ekmekciyan, Zabel Yeseyan, Meryem
Çilingiryan, Hatun Ketenciyan, Hrant Dink, Monte Melkonian were held at many different points on
the Til Temir and Kobanê front lines where they were positioned. In the commemorations that started
with a minute of silence, speeches were made about the lives of the immortals. In the speeches where
the developments in Rojava and Syria were also discussed, it was pointed out that the remedy against
the rising imperialist aggression in the world is the organized struggle of the peoples based on their
own self-power. Reminding the self-sacrificing stance of Oskan Bagıryan, who became immortal by
shielding his body to protect his comrades after the soldiers of the deposed Syrian regime attacked the
YPG fighters, it was emphasized that the Nubar Ozanyan line has gained even more importance in the
process we are going through.

It was stated that the will of those who were immortalized in the resistance against the attacks of the
Turkish state and its gangs on the Tişrin-Qereqozak line in the recent period, both in the resistance of
the people and the forces loyal to the QSD, is a guide. It was said that the revolution should be
defended with this consciousness against the increasing aggression against Rojava.

Martyrdom visits were made

After the commemorations held at the points, the Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Brigade fighters visited the
martyrdom, including the grave of Ş. Oskan Bagıryan. In the speech made at the grave of Oskan
Bagiryan, ‘Oskan became immortal to defend this revolution and his comrades. He was Nubar Ozanyan’s soldier. We will follow his path. The martyrs of the revolution are immortal’. Greetings were sent to the Tishrin and Qereqozak resistance.

Commemoration in Istanbul for the immortalized

An event was organized by Partizan in Istanbul on the occasion of the last week of January to
commemorate those who were immortalized for the sake of revolution and communism.

In the hall where the event was held, the banner ‘Those Who Dedicate a Limited Life to an Unlimited
Cause are Immortal’ was hung and the photographs of those immortalized in the struggle for
revolution and communism were projected on the stage.

Firstly, a minute of silence was held for those immortalized in the struggle for revolution and
communism. Then a speech was made on behalf of Partizan.

In the speech made on behalf of Partizan, the importance of January was emphasized, it was stated
how January was handled this year, and the reading workshops held were explained.

In the speech, on both sides of the communist leader Ibrahim Kaypakkaya’s ‘National Issue’ article
and Nubar Ozanyan’s life and struggle of the communist leader İbrahim Kaypakkaya’s memoir-
narrative articles were read with the workshop groups and through these articles in the current, the
imperialist struggle in Syria and the latest developments regarding the Rojava revolution and the
ongoing ‘process’ in Turkey, it was stated that fruitful discussions were held.

In this framework, it was stated that the month of January was handled with the commemoration of
the immortals on the one hand and the organizing activities on the other.

Attention was drawn to the attacks in Turkey and in the world and the climate of fear that is being
created by these attacks.

It was emphasized that the state from the Turkish front has developed an intense environment of
detention, arrest and oppression, the aim of which is to intimidate the masses and create a rose garden
without thorns.

It was stated that racism and fascism are on the rise in the world, imperialist wars are turning the lives
of oppressed peoples, especially in the Middle East, upside down, but the struggle of revolutionaries
and patriots cannot be ended.

In the speech, it was stated that for those who wage class struggle, revolutionaries-communists, in
periods when the social struggle and class struggle regress, the points of inspiration and support are
the immortals.

It was stated that the month of January is very important on this occasion, so the commemorations
held every year in the last week of January are a necessity to keep the torch of resistance passed by
the immortals burning and to protect the struggle and values they created.

In the speech, emphases and expressions were made about the five women revolutionary-communist-
fives who were immortalized in Dersim on 2 February 2011.

Finally, the speech was concluded with the words ‘We will win, we have no other chance’.

Then a cinevision prepared by Partizan on those who were immortalized while fighting for revolution
and communism was shown.

The event continued with the narration of sections of the lives of the immortalized.

The comrades of Ünal Küçükbayrak, Zeki Uygun, Efendi Diril, Ali Geçgel, Mehmet Kocadağ, Hıdır
Aykır, Mehmet Kaplan, Necdet Oynatgül, Raci Yılmaz, Cihan Çelebi, Salih Çelik, Mehmet Karahan, Hüseyin Ceylan, İsmail Mehripulen, İsmail Karadağ, Ahmet Mete, Yener Tuna, Erol Özer, Yaşar
Yiğit, Güzel Şahin, Polat Yiğit, İsmail Hanoğlu, Gamze Gül Kaya.

It was emphasized that ‘it is necessary to take a position in accordance with the conditions of the
period by taking their basic understanding as an example’.

Again, speeches were made about the struggle of five red carnations who became immortal on 2
February 2011. The role of the 5 red carnations in the women’s struggle, their positions in the war, in
the women’s liberation struggle and their leadership were emphasized.

In the speech, emphasis was made on the struggle of Hülya Onur Yaman, who recently lost her life,
especially the women’s struggle. The commemoration event ended with the singing of anthems.

Immortals commemorated at their graves

On the occasion of the last week of January, those immortalized in the struggle for revolution and

Due to the fact that the last week of January is the week of the martyrs of Revolution and
Communism, the Immortalized were commemorated by Partizan at their graves in Gülsuyu cemetery.

The first of the grave commemorations in Gülsuyu cemetery was held at the grave of Perihan Çolak.

At the commemoration where carnations were left, a speech was made by Partizan first. The Partizan
representative started his speech by stating that in addition to the commemoration events held
throughout January to commemorate the immortals, today they gathered to visit the graves to
commemorate all the immortalized.

In the speech, in which it was stated that the propaganda that the revolutionaries were over did not
work in the difficult periods of the struggle, “this struggle continues and will continue, even if it is
very difficult in the footsteps of the immortals. We will carry the flag we took over from them to the
highest without dropping it to the ground, we reiterate our promise that we will crown this struggle
with victory ‘.

After the speech, Perihan’s comrades who knew Perihan talked about her life and struggle.

It was stated that after her immortalization, her funeral was sent off to eternity in a magnificent way
despite the difficult conditions of the period, and that she guided the struggle even with her funeral.

The grave commemoration continued with the visit to the graves of Hatice Dilek, Güzel Şahin,
Menekşe Edeş, Erol Özel, Vahide Açan and the laying of carnations.

‘Those immortalized were sent off in a glorious way, opening a space for struggle’

At the commemorations, speeches were made at the graves of each revolutionary by comrades who
knew them. In the speeches, it was stated that each of the immortals was a part of the tradition of
resistance in the neighborhood, that they were not only the next breathers of Partizan’s 50-year
uninterrupted struggle, but also that their humble, sincere and sacrificial nature and the relations they
established with the masses were very instructive.

In the speeches, it was emphasized that the funerals of those who became immortal in the hot areas of
the struggle were seriously embraced by the people, that despite all the enemy attacks and oppression,
the farewell with glorious ceremonies opened new areas for the struggle, turned into a means of
organization, and that even the bodies of the immortals were a fear to the enemy and hope to the

5 Red carnations of 2 February; the next fighters of women’s liberation!

Finally, it was said, ‘The commemoration of the grave on 2 February also has a very historical
meaning, as the five red carnations became immortal in 2011.’

5 red carnations’ contribution to the struggle, the values they left, the path they paved in the women’s
liberation struggle, the importance of their becoming commanders and leaders were emphasized and it
was stated that “Our struggle will continue until our women’s liberation struggle is concluded”.

The promise of struggle was renewed with the commemorations made at the gravesides.

Those Who Dedicate a Limited Life to an Unlimited Cause are Immortal!

Those immortalized for the Party and Revolution continue to be commemorated. The commemoration
of those immortalized in the struggle for revolution and socialism in the international arena and in our
geography continues.

In his post on Partizan X Account, he announced that he hung a banner in Istanbul on the occasion of
the last week of January.

Partizan in his post; “We will continue to walk on the path shown to Maria Suphi, Meral Yakar and
Sefagül Kesgin by the immortals, we renew our promise that we will carry the torch they carry
further! We repeat the promise that we will remain worthy of the lives and struggles of our immortals! used the expressions.

‘’We Commemorated Our Immortals Who Waved the Flag of Our Just War!‘’

Partizan organized a commemoration event in Duisburg on 31 January as part of the ‘Week of
Commemoration of the Martyrs of Revolution and Communism’.

The event started at 18:30 in Duisburg, Germany, with a minute of silence in memory of those
immortalized in the struggle for revolution and communism.

This meaningful event, organized by NRW Partizan, was held within the scope of the ‘Week of
Remembrance of the Martyrs of Revolution and Communism’ held every year in the last week of
January. During this week, the martyrs of revolution and communism of the international proletariat
and the oppressed peoples of the world were commemorated and their struggles were embraced in
many parts of the country and Europe.

This year’s commemoration event took place at a time when signs of a new imperialist war of division
were emerging. While the imperialists and reactionary forces in the international arena and in the
region are preparing for a new war of division, massacres are being carried out against oppressed
nations and peoples and the vested rights of the working class are being usurped.

In the light of these developments, Partizan organized this event in order to draw attention to the
importance of the struggle of the working class and oppressed peoples and to keep alive the memory
of the immortalized.

A cinevision and live music concert was also organized at the event.

‘January Commemoration’ organized by Partizan in Ulm

Partizan organized a commemoration event in Ulm, Germany, on Sunday, 26 January, at the Seed

Germany Ulm Partizan readers, ‘Organize the Revolution, Win the Future! We Commemorate Our
Immortals.’ With the slogan “We Commemorate Our Immortals”, a commemoration event was held
on Sunday, 26 January at the Seed Association. The commemoration programme, which was intensely
attended, started with a minute of silence and then the opening speech was made.

In the speech, the importance of the current process in terms of the ideal of revolution was
emphasized, and the place where Partizan stood and the struggle it waged was pointed out. Stating
that this stance was crowned with the 2nd Congress, the following statements were made:

“The congress is the concrete step of insistence and audacity in war. The 2nd Congress made new and
concrete analyses on critical issues such as socioeconomic structure, the path of revolution, the
approach to the issue of democratic revolution, alliances and front understanding, the issue of
contradictions and world evaluation. The specific conditions of the country were analyzed more

Enthusiastic Commemoration in Hamburg!

The Commemoration of the Martyrs of Revolution and Communism, organized by the European
Karabalılar Association and supported by Hamburg Partizan readers, was held at the Karabalılar

Comrades Did Not Leave Their Weapons Orphaned

The event, which started with a minute of silence for all the martyrs of revolution and communism in
the person of Aydın Yıldırım, Barış Aslan and Yurdal Yıldırım, who were born in the village of
Karabalılar (Yozgat) and immortalized in free spaces after going to Europe, continued with the
statement of the organizing committee.

The following statements were made in the statement:

‘People die not when they leave us physically, but when they are forgotten. We have not forgotten our
friends and comrades, we will not forget and we will not let them forget. Their comrades neither left
their weapons orphaned nor lowered the flag they carried to half-mast; they always carried them on
the peaks of the mountains and kept their memories and struggles alive. In today’s conditions, the
conditions for demolishing the old and building the new are more ripe than ever.’

The Future Will Live Like a Dream

After the speech made on behalf of the Organizing Committee, Hamburg Partizan representative took
the floor:

‘Dear friends, comrades, laborers, Today we are together once again to commemorate those who
dedicated their lives to the oppressed peoples. Within the scope of the Week of Remembrance of the
Martyrs of the Revolution, we commemorate all those we have lost in the person of our comrades
Aydın, Barış and Yurdal.

They made it their principle to walk on the red route drawn by Comrade Kaypakkaya. In this process
where everything was indexed to more ‘profit’ and private property was seen as salvation, they threw
away all the opportunities offered by the bourgeoisie and embraced the fight with all their hands.
Aydın, Barış, Yurdal… ‘They have the sadness of leaving early, we have the sadness of losing early…

A thin, endless ache in our hearts… They will always live like hope, like love, like a dream of the
future at the dawn of the road we have set out on. Their place will always be beside us.’

5 Women Comrades Pioneers of Our War

Making a statement for 5 women comrades who were martyred fourteen years ago in Dersim as a
result of the collapse of a shelter, the Partizan representative emphasized the following:

‘Our five women comrades have been noted on the page of history as the pioneers of our war and the
guiding lights of oppressed women. With their lives as well as their deaths, they became the symbol of a rebellion against the oppression of women for thousands of years. And this rebellion will illuminate
the path of comrades walking in their footsteps.’

Their struggles were told and they were commemorated with folk songs

In the event, which continued with a cinevision showing of the life and struggle of the martyrs of
revolution and communism, the message sent by the Hamburg MKP supporters was read.

In the cultural part of the programme, first the artist Fırat Yusuf took the stage.

Then Ozan Emekçi, after emphasizing the importance of protecting the martyrs, sang works such as
‘Ali Haydar Ölmez’ and ‘Freedom Prisoners’ together with the audience.

At the end of the programme, the families of Yurdal Yıldırım and Barış Aslan took the stage and made
an emotional speech, emphasizing the importance of protecting the martyrs’ struggle.

Stuttgart: ‘Organize the Revolution, Win the Future!’

Partizan organized a commemoration event at the Seed Culture Association in Stuttgart on 2 February
as part of the ‘Week of Commemoration of the Martyrs of the Party and Revolution’.

The event started with a moment of silence and a cinevision show in memory of those immortalized in
the struggle for revolution and communism. Afterwards, in the speech made on behalf of Partizan, the
critical importance of the current process for the revolutionary struggle was mentioned and the
necessity of continuous resistance against fascism and imperialism was emphasized.

The 2nd Congress of the Proletariat Party, held with the slogan ‘Organize the Revolution, Win the
Future’, was greeted with enthusiasm.

MLKP participated in the event and presented a greeting message and emphasized that the struggle of
the martyrs of the revolution will be continued by protecting their ideals.

The commemoration continued with revolutionary anthems and folk songs. Finally, five red
carnations – Sefagül Kesgin, Derya Aras, Gülizar Özkan, Fatma Acar and Nurşen Aslan – who were
immortalized on 2 February 2011 as a result of an accident during a winter base in the Dersim
guerrilla zone were commemorated. Their struggle was emphasized with the following words of
comrade Ayfer Çelep:

‘Our martyrs are the memory of our determination and faith, the guarantee of our victory!’

Mannheim: We Commemorated the Party and Revolution Martyrs!

In Mannheim, Germany, a commemoration event was held on the occasion of the ‘Week of
Commemoration of the Party and Revolution Martyrs’ under the slogan ‘Organize the Revolution,
Win the Future!’.

In the opening speech made at the commemoration, “Our Party, at its I. Conference in February
1978, declared the last week of January every year as the “Week of Commemoration of the Party and
Revolution Martyrs” in order to commemorate those immortalized in the class struggle and to
embrace their struggle. Since then, every year in the last week of January, the martyrs of revolution
and communism of the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world are
commemorated and the struggle they left to the working class, laboring people and oppressed
nations is embraced with determination.’

After the opening speech, a moment of silence was held for those who lost their lives in the
revolutionary struggle. After the minute of silence, a cinevision prepared for the martyrs of the
revolution was shown and the party declaration was read.

The event was then concluded after poetry and music recital.

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