People's WarPhilippines

NPA In Northern Negros Island Pays Tribute To CPP Founding Chairperson Jose Maria Sison Upon His Passing

Cecil Estrella | Spokesperson | NPA Northern Negros (Roselyn Pelle Command) | Negros Island Regional Operational Command (Apolinario Gatmaitan Command) | New People’s Army

December 17, 2022

The revolutionary forces and the Red commanders and fighters of Roselyn Jean Pelle Command – Northern Negros Guerilla Front of the New People’s Army (RJPC-NPA), give its highest tribute to the founding chairperson of the Communist Party of the Philippines (Marxism-Leninism-Maoism), Jose Maria ‘Ka Joma’ Sison, who passed away last December 16 at 8:40 in the evening.

The whole Filipino people, especially the people of northern Negros, mourns over the death of Philippine revolution’s greatest thinker and champion of proletarian revolution.

Only reactionaries wanting to maintain a society run by the imperialists (both US and Chinese), with the help of big comprador – landlord, and the bureaucrat capitalists, celebrate the death of a great proletarian leader.

Red commanders and fighters of RJPC-NPA and the revolutionary forces of northern Negros are one with the Filipino people in calling for the Government of the Philippines to allow the return of Ka Joma’s remains to his native land.

Ka Joma’s ideologies and guidance will forever live on. RJPC-NPA, together with the whole revolutionary movement, is with utmost confidence and vigor to carry forward until victory of the national democratic revolution, establish a socialist future and achieve a communist society.

Revolutionaries perish but their revolutionary spirit lives on.

Long live the immortal revolutionary spirit of Ka Joma!

Long live the revolutionary martyrs!

Viva CPP – NPA – NDF!

Long live the toiling masses!

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