ICSPWI: Open talk-meeting the 4th February 2017 in Bergamo (Italy)
The ICSPWI (International Commitee to Support People’s War in India) calls all supporters of People’s War in India to continue the campains of support in a new international day of action on January 28th 2017. Please send us news to csgindia@gmail.com if you have plans to make actions, and we will inform the movement in India.
A new open talk-meeting of the ICSPWI is set up for the February 4th 2017 in Bergamo, Italy (Other places were also proposed but organizational problems and other plans made it impossible to do it there). Comrades and all groups who want to participate will be hosted.
Please inform us of your presence by writting to csgpindia@gmail.com to receive information on the location and to be in contact. This meeting will be an open talk-meeting, without public, but all communications will be public.
- Brief report about the 2 days of actions of November 24th and December 28th.
- Debate about the organization of a tour of democratic representative from India in Europe – when, where, repartition of expenses, etc…
- International and internationalist demostration for 50th anniversary of Naxalbari’s revolt – date proposed for the May 20th 2017. The decision to organize one European demonstration, or simultaneous demonstrations in all European countries, will be taken.
A representative participation in the open talk-meeting of February 4th is required as the final decisions about these points will be made.
Solidarity Greetings,
December 22nd 2016
(Note Redspark : The statement was corrected for more clarity)