Imperialist StatesIndiaItalyPeople's War

ICSPWI: Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Naxalbari uprising

The International Committee in Support of People’s War in India held a Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Naxalbari uprising, with the participation of comrades from different countries in Europe and Tunisia, and messages and support from Canada and US.

The meeting began with the song of the International followed by the reading of the document for the celebration of the 50th anniversary issued by the CC of the CPI (Maoist), after a brief presentation that greeted all the ongoing celebrations in India and around the world and clarified the purpose of the current celebration – the only one internationally, so far – that is to study such historical event and actualize it.

The meeting has continued deepening the documents by the CPI (Maoist) and others from India, addressing the different aspects and the general significance of the Naxalbari’s uprising, the theoretical, political and practical contributions of comrade Charu Mazumdar in the struggle against revisionism, in the application of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and the opening of a long epic, up to the foundation of the CPI (Maoist) and the people’s war today.

The study of such documents filled with the revolutionary interest and enthusiasm the attending comrades who, this way, have better understood the history of Maoists in India as part of the history of the International Communist Movement and part of their own heritage. A history that is very meaningful today for its lessons on the construction of the Maoist Communist Parties in the different countries of the world, and for being inspiring and stimulating further developments of the people’s war in India.

Then we had the messages and speeches by the participating comrades and the messages received from the organizations and comrades who could not take part.

In the second part of the meeting, the committees and organizations attending explained the initiatives they had carried out, also in in self-critical terms, when the initiatives for the 50th anniversary have not had the necessary strength and extent or have not taken place yet.

Anyway, the committees have reiterated that the mass work to deepen the support to the people’s war in India among the proletarian and people’s ranks is the central axis of the current and future work of the ICSPWI.

Various possible initiatives in the different parts of the world have been considered, as base of the plan for forthcoming campaigns and initial proposals were made, on which the decisions to be made will be the result of an international consultation.

In any case, three proposals have been launched and are being planned:

  • – a new International Day for the freedom of GN Saibaba and Maoist political prisoners and all political prisoners at international level. The date will be set according to the developments of the trial against GN Saibaba;
  • – The union and the women’s organizations participating proposed and emphasized the liaison between the general campaign and the call to the working class contained in the document of the CC, CPI (Maoist) against the life-sentences on Maruti/Suzuki workers, and for a mobilization of the proletarian, revolutionary, feminists women against the rapes on the fighters, prisoners and masses women by the army, police, paramilitaries, Hindu fascists, covered by the Modi government;
  • The main proposal is the launch of a big Spring Thunder March, for the spring of 2018, that will reach many countries in Europe, North America, South America, Arab World and Asia.

september 2017

C. Kistler

Also editor of Nouvelle Turquie.