
“No to Military Rule” in Bangladesh!

Today, the people of Bangladesh have witnessed an unprecedented student-mass uprising against Hasina-Awami fascism! However, the army chief, who assisted the murderer Hasina in fleeing, has effectively seized power. There is talk of a so-called interim government excluding the student masses. The Proletarian Party of Purbo Bangla has rejected this farce, recognizing that while there has been a partial victory for the people, power has not been transferred to the Movement’s leading forces. At this moment, power remains in the hands of the army, which has either remained silent or played a direct role in the past month’s killings.

Today, the Proletarian Party’s Chattogram Metropolitan Branch declared, “We do not accept this military rule,” and called for the complete eradication of Awami fascism. They have issued this call through graffiti on walls across the city. In Chattogram’s Chawkbazar, Medical College and Gate No. 2 areas these writings appeal to the people, reading:

No Army!
We Do Not Want Military Rule!
No Army, Only People’s Government!
No Military Rule, People Take Power in Your Hand!


Proletarian Party of Purbo Bangla

Chattogram Metropolitan Branch