IndiaInternationalismPeople's WarPhilippines

From Ang Bayan: CPI (Maoist) Declares Week Of Commemorating Martyrs Of The Revolution In India

Ang Bayan

July 28, 2024

The Communist Party of India (Maoist) declared July 28 to August 3 as a week of remembering the martyrs of the revolution in India. They launched the activity amid the relentless and intense counterinsurgency campaign Operation Samadhan-Prahar and Operation Kagaar against the Indian revolutionary movement.

“We continue the revolutionary tradition of rededicating ourselves to achieve the ideals of the comrades who laid down their lives in the fight against imperialism and comprador exploitive classes with the objective to accomplish New Democratic Revolution in our country,” the CPI (Maoist) said.

Last year, at least 200 valiant comrades and revolutionary people, including 56 women, were martyred as they walked the path of the protracted people’s war. Among the martyrs were the great leaders of CPI (Maoist) Comrade Dama (Sujan Singh Madkam, Rajesh), Comrade Joganna (Cheemala Narasayya), and Comrade Sagar (Anne Santosh, Sridhar).

The largest number of fallen comrades, fighters and revolutionary masses was recorded in the Dandakaranya region of central India. Among the martyrs, 65 comrades who were members of the People’s Liberation Guerilla Army (PLGA) fell while bravely defending against the siege by the armed forces of the reactionary Indian state. Five fighters were martyred in guerrilla actions launched by the PLGA.

Meanwhile, 98 comrades were killed in massacres and fake encounters carried out by the Indian state. Many of them were arrested alive before being willfully murdered. The CPI (Maoist) on the other hand recorded the death of four comrades from poisoning by enemy agents, 13 comrades from disease, and eight comrades from accidents.

“The Central Committee of the Party pays humble revolutionary homage to all the martyrs who made highest sacrifices to achieve the objective of revolution,” the CPI (Maoist) said. The Party pledged continuing the ideals their fallen comrades fought for until the end.

The CPI (Maoist) also recognized martyrs in the ranks of the international communist movement. The Party said the imperialists and their ruling class minions in their respective countries summarily killed leaders and comrades with their objective to eliminate the socialist revolutions and new democratic revolutions in different countries.

Among those honored by the Party are Dionisio Micabalo (Ka Toto), member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines, Josephine Mendoza (Ka Sandy), and other CPP leaders who died in the past year. They also paid tribute to Jude Thaddeus Fernandez, a veteran organizer of Filipino workers.

Finally, the CPI (Maoist) called on its Party members, PLGA forces, revolutionary people’s organs, workers, farmers, students and other democratic sectors in India to observe the week of remembering martyrs.

Part of the commemoration is the mobilization of large numbers of the masses in people’s struggles, guerrilla war to oppose the counter-revolutionary war Operation Kagaar and organize the people, enhance the party’s mass base and subjective forces to advance the revolutionary movement in India. “Revolution demands sacrifice,” the CPI (Maoist) said.

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