Imperialist StatesNational Liberation StrugglePalestineUSA

PFLP Politburo Member Leila Khaled On US Imperialism And The Palestinian Struggle For National Liberation

Palestine, February 6, 2023: Veteran Palestinian activist Leila Khaled said on Sunday that Washington “has become Zionist and has been working to abort Palestinian resistance against Israeli occupation.”

The member of the political bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) told Al-Resalah that, “Betting on the Biden administration will not give us more than extra losses.” Thirty years of peace talks under US patronage has been a waste of time, she added. “Washington does not have allies, it only has people and states which serve its interests.”

Khaled made her comments after a meeting between Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Ramallah, and the disclosure of an American plan proposed to Abbas that aimed to “abort” Palestinian resistance.

“The US administration will not stop illegal Israeli settlements, will not cancel its recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the state, will not stop maintaining Israel’s arms superiority in the region and will not stop its unlimited support for Israel.”

The PFLP official reiterated the importance of resuming the internal Palestinian reconciliation process based on the outcomes of the comprehensive national dialogue led by the secretaries-general of the Palestinian factions, reactivating legitimate resistance and supporting Palestinians everywhere. However, concluded Khaled, Palestinian unity cannot be achieved without a “clear comprehension” of partnership based on democratic rules.

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