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Compatriots (NDFP) Statement Condemning The One-Year Israeli Genocide In Palestine

Compatriots | National Democratic Front Of The Philippines

October 9, 2024

Compatriots-NDFP extends its utmost solidarity to the Palestinian people who continue their steadfast resistance against the ongoing U.S.-Israeli genocide one year after the historic Operation Al Aqsa Flood on October 7, 2023. We offer our highest revolutionary salute to the tens of thousands of martyrs who have laid down their lives in defense of Palestine.

The Palestinian people have suffered grave violence at the hands of the Zionist Israeli state. While the current death toll has been reported at over 40,000 by the Gaza Health Ministry, other medical studies estimate the true mortality from this one year of war alone–factoring in the lasting impacts of hunger, destruction of medical care facilities, and so on–will exceed 186,000. This number includes entire family lineages including children who have been wiped out. Palestinians in the West Bank and in the rest of occupied Palestine have not been spared from harassment, imprisonment, and murder.

Emboldened by unconditional support in the form of billions of dollars in aid and never-ending shipments of arms from U.S. imperialism, Israel has extended its assault to Lebanon, Yemen, and Syria as part of its plan to occupy a greater area of West Asia. However, the Palestinian resistance–joined by resistance movements throughout the Arab region–have not backed down in its armed struggle against Zionist and imperialist aggression. In fact, the brave fight mounted by the Palestinian masses since October 7 constitutes just one year of its century-long fight for national liberation against British imperialism, U.S. imperialism, and Zionist occupation. It is a fight that will surely win.

Compatriots-NDFP, the underground revolutionary organization of Filipinos overseas understands that the forces of Zionist occupation and U.S. intervention in West Asia are also enemies of the Filipino masses, especially overseas Filipino workers in the region. We condemn the U.S.-Marcos regime, which has thrown its full support behind the fascist Israeli government instead of responding adequately to the masses’ immediate demands for repatriation, particularly in Lebanon after Israel’s latest wave of airstrikes killed hundreds. In fact, the first Filipino-Palestinian families who were repatriated to the Philippines in the months following October 7 had to jump through bureaucratic hurdles just to leave, only to be given absolutely no support by the Marcos regime upon arrival.

As a revolutionary mass organization of Filipinos displaced from our own homeland by the root plagues of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat capitalism, we vow to continue linking arms with the Palestinian diaspora that has been displaced by Israeli settlers for decades. In the past year–and even prior–Filipino people across the world have joined mass protests, student encampments, solidarity missions to Palestine, and other actions to put our solidarity into practice. As we wholeheartedly take on this internationalist duty to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian national liberation struggle, Compatriots-NDFP will continue to organize for national and social liberation in the Philippines as our biggest contribution to the worldwide fight against U.S. imperialism and all forms of reaction. We look forward to the inevitable return of the Filipino people and the Palestinian people to our respective homelands upon the victories of our revolutions.

Long live the Palestinian Liberation!

Free Palestine!

Down with US Imperialism and Zionism!

Long live International Solidarity!

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