GermanyImperialist StatesIndiaPeople's War

Berlin : Red salute to the martyrs of Malkangiri

In the evening hours of October 29th, we held a demonstration in Hermannplatz in Berlin-Neukölln denouncing the massacre of 30 communists in Malkangiri by the Indian state. In our district, we paid tribute to the martyrs, condemned the renewed attempt to drown the Indian revolution in blood and represented our proletarian-internationalist unity and solidarity with the just struggle of the Indian people and its vanguard – the Communist Party of India (Maoist), thereby expressing and emphasising the perspective and justness of the People’s War in India.

Despite only having one day for mobilisation, over 25 comrades attended the demonstration. There were many banners, a variety of speeches via megaphone and 300 flyers were distributed to passers-by and interested people. It was proven there that carrying out this internationalist solidarity action with the Indian People’s War away from the dead embassy buildings of upscale districts and instead in a working class district among the poorest masses was correct. This is precisely where communism and its ideology belong.

In this spirit we say : Lal Salaam (red salute) to our martyrs in Malkangiri! The revolution will avenge you! Long live the Communist Party of India (Maoist)! Long live the People’s War!







Source :

C. Kistler

Also editor of Nouvelle Turquie.