People's WarPhilippines

From Ang Bayan: NPA-Masbate Unit Successfully Counters Attack By AFP Troops

Ang Bayan

April 22, 2024

The unit of the New People’s Army (NPA)-Masbate foiled the 96th IB operating troops’ siege attempt against their temporary posting in Barangay B. Titong, Masbate City on April 18 at 5:30 in the morning. Two soldiers were killed and two were seriously wounded. The Red fighters were able to maneuver safely.

“Knowing that traitors and desperate enemies do not choose time and weather, the comrades were on alert and prepared well, and turned the emergency situation to their advantage,” said Ka Luz del Mar, NPA-Masbate spokesperson.

Residents who witnessed the extraction of the bodies of the 96th IB can attest to the injuries they suffered, according to the spokesperson.

Amid the attack by the fascist soldiers, the NPA-Masbate called on all its units to maintain high alert, readiness and discipline especially in the face of the enemy’s desperation to end the armed resistance of the people before the end of 2024 .

In March, Marcos and the leadership of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) ordered an all-out war to dismantle all NPA guerrilla fronts by the end of March. This failed. They also declared that all NPA combat units would be destroyed by the end of June; and aimed to destroy all regional Party committees before the end of the year.

Apart from Ka Luz’s stress on avoiding defensive battles, she urged NPA units to resolutely implement the directive of the Communist Party of the Philippines to launch tactical offensives to strike at AFP-PNP-CAFGU terrorists and frustrate Marcos Jr’s all-out war against the people.

She also emphasized the need for every Red fighter to forge the offensive spirit in the field of military, propaganda-education, mass work and expansion as an investment in strengthening. “Strengthen to fight; fight to strengthen,” she said, echoing the call of the Central Committee.

NPA-Masbate also extends its strong solidarity with all the units of the people’s army in the Bicol region, “especially those who faced defensive battles, to strengthen, assess and learn from the experience so they can further strengthen and achieve success.”

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