Timeline of Maoism in Europe

February 2018

France – “Groupe Pierre Oller” claims an attack on the Israeli Consulate in Marseille
A “Groupe Pierre Oller” sent the information claiming an attack on the Israeli Consulate. Windows were broken, and the statement asked for the liberation of Georges Abdallah.

France – Tribute to Pierre Overney
Annual celebration of a french maoist martyr, Pierre Overney

January 2018

Germany – LLL Demonstration
Demonstration called by Jugendwiderstand, with the participation of PCM, Revolutionary Praxis, Irish Socialist Republicans and Tjen Folket.

United Kingdom – Revolutionary Praxis stall in  London
RP announced to start to hold monthly a stall in Elephant and Castle, in London

Finland – Lightning Demonstration on the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the class war
Punalippu and it allies held a lightning demonstration to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the class war in Finland

December 2017

France – Comrade Pierre passed away
Comrade Pierre, founder of the PCmF and leader of the PCM, passed away. Messages from all over the world were sent, underlining the immortal contributions of one of the greatest marxist-leninist-maoist from Europe.

Messages of solidarity from America :

Messages of solidarity from Europe :

November 2017

France – FRAP and Red Guards Austin organized a meeting about antifascist struggle in the US
The meeting was in Marseille, with the participation of a comrade from RGA and from 3RR

United Kingdom – Celebration of the Centenary of the October Revolution
Revolutionary Praxis called for a commemoration of the centenary of the October Revolution in London

Octobre 2017

Norway – Tjen Folket held a demonstration for the Centenary of the October Revolution
The demonstration was held in Oslo, and was attacked by the police

Netherlands – Student for Justice in Palestine organized a protest for the freedom of Georges Abdallah and Salah Hamouri
The protest was held in front of the French embassy in Den Haag

September 2017

Netherlands – ILPS, PRISMM and NDFP commemorated the October Revolution Centenial
A statement of Redspark, showing some lessons of the October Rev. have been read.

Italy – Meeting of the ICSPWI to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Naxalbari
The ICSPWI have gathered in Italy to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Naxalbari.

United Kingdom – Revolutionary Praxis at the Nottingham Green Festival
Revolutionary Praxis have taken part and held a stall at the Nottingham Green Festival

France – Demonstration against the Labor Reform XXL
Comrades from the FRAP have took part to the demonstration against the Labor Reform XXL in Marseille

France – Meeting “Revolution in the Philippines” in Marseille
A meeting, hosted by FRAP and ILPS, have been held in Marseille to inform about the ongoing people’s war in the Philippines

August 2017

Netherlands – Public meeting to present STP-Charlotte hosted by Revolutionaire Eenheid
A presentation of STP-Charlotte’s work have been hosted by RE in Utrecht

Germany – Jugendwiderstand call to demonstrate against the fascist in Spandau
Comrades from JW have released a dynamic statement calling to confront the fascist in Spandau

Denmark – Copenhagen Pride Week
In Copenhague, comrades from Red Guards Copenhague have attended the Pride demo

Germany – Celebration of the 113th birthday of Werner Seelenbinder
In Berlin, comrades from Jugendwiderstand honored the memory of the wrestler and communist Werner Seelenbinder

July 2017

Germany – G20 demonstration.
Anti-imperialist block of around 250~300 comrades, mostly maoists.

United Kingdom – Tollpuddle Festival of Socialism
Revolutionary Praxis & Democracy and Class Struggle hold together a stand and a talk.

Norway – Tjen Folket Summer Camp
Traditional summer camp of Tjen Folket

Galicia – Distribution of leaflets on the situation of G.N. Saibaba
Comrades have distributed leaflets on the National day of Galicia to inform about the critical situation of the health of Prof. G.N. Saibaba

June 2017

France – National Demonstration for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah
Demonstration in Paris. The front of the demonstration is composed of maoist comrades from PCM and from several countries, including Turkish, Nepalese & Filipinos.

May 2017

Germany – Graffiti in support of the People’s Wars
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Naxalbari, comrades from Jugendwiderstand have painted a huge mural to support people’s wars.

France – Partizan 44th Commemoration of the Martyrdom of Ibrahim Kaypakkaya
Comrades from PCM were invited and read a statement to honor the memory of Ibo.

Germany – ADHK 44th Commemoration of the Martyrdom of Ibrahim Kaypakkaya
Comrades from Jugendwiderstand were present and a statement was read.

Norway – Tjen Folket celebrates the 8 May
Tjen Folket holded a small celebration/commemoration for the victory of the 8 may 1945. 

May Day
Comrades in all Europe celebrated the 1st of May

April 2017

March 2017

Germany – 18 March, day of the Political Prisoners
Comrades from Jugendwiderstand have took part to the demonstration for the freedom of political prisoners in Berlin.

France – Demonstration against Police Violence
A militant group of the PCM took part in the demonstration, walking together with filipino migrants

8 March
Comrades in Europe have took part to the demonstrations of the 8 of March, or have made different actions.

February 2017

Italy – Meeting of the ICSPWI
Comrades have hold a meeting to discuss the program to support People’s War in India in 2017

January 2017

Germany – LLL Demonstration
Cultural Evening before the LLL, and in the demonstration a Red Block of around 100 comrades from Jugendwiderstand, Tjen Folket, NDFP, SYM&ADHK, Revolutionaire Eenheid and supported by PCM.

Statements in support

December 2016

France – CARA supports the Adama Traoré brothers
In Clermont-Ferrand, antifascist from CARA deployed a banner in front of the tribunal of Clermont-Ferrand in support of the Adama Traoré brothers

Germany – Jugendwiderstand Bremen had been founded
Jugendwiderstand announced the formation of a new chapter – JW Bremen

November 2016

France – PCM hold a tribute to Comrade Kishenji
On the 24 November, the international day of action to support People’s War in India, comrades from PCM & CRI Rouge have gathered to hold a tribute to Comrade Kishenji and have made several graffitis.

France – Meeting “Struggles and Revolution in the Philippines: Report of an activist’s trip”
A public meeting was helf in Paris during which a comrade of PCM have described his exposure trip in the Philippines

Netherlands – Demonstration against Zwarte Piet
A demonstration of 250 people against Zwarte Piet was attacked by cops. Several comrades from Strijd Tegen Racisme were arrested. 

Germany – Book launch in Berlin of 4 maoist books
Jugendwiderstand together with Redspark have held a small book launch to present the recent publications of 4 MLM books.

October 2016

Germany – Demonstration in Berlin to honor martyrs of Malkangiri
A small demonstration have been held in Neukolln by Jugendwiderstand to honor the martyrs of Malkangiri.

United Kingdom –  Book launch in London of 4 maoist books
Revolutionary Praxis and Redspark have held a small book launch to present the recent publications of 4 MLM books.

Sweden – Prariebrand start a studycircle
The youth organization Prariebrand announce the beginning of a MLM studycircle in Malmo.

Germany – Demonstration in Hamm against Die Recht Partei
Jugendwidestand comrades attended the demonstration against Die Recht Partei

Germany – Antifascist Demonstration in Dortmund
Jugendwiderstand attended the antifascist demonstration in Dortmund

September 2016

Norway – Pride-march in Trondheim
Activists of Tjen Folket formed a Red Block in the Pride-march in Trondheim.

Norway – Demonstration in support of Kashmiri struggle
Tjen Folket participated on a demonstration in Bergen on the 10th of september against Indias occupation of Kashmir.

Italy – Repression against comrades from MFPR
Police searched a car and the appartment of a comrade, investigated for the offense under Article. 595 C.P., aggravated defamation.

Germany – Meeting about the RSM – Canada
Jugendwiderstand and comrades from RSM held a public meeting to exchange their experiences.

August 2016

Norway – Protest against police brutality in Stavanger
Comrades from Nye SOS Rasisme from Stavanger had organized a protest on august, 27th against police brutality and racism.

July 2016

June 2016

France – Theo start a hunger strike
To protest against repression, Theo El Ghozzi from CARA have started a hunger strike

France – Demonstration for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah
Around 500 person, including comrades from PCM, have walked throught the streets of Paris for the release of Georges Abdallah

Netherlands – Demonstration for the Liberation of Bilal Kayed
Student for Justice in Palestine have organized a demonstration for the liberation of Bilal Kayed in The Hague.

May 2016

France – Demonstration for the Liberation of Antoine and against the Repression!
In Clermont-Ferrand, a demonstration for the release of a comrade from CGT, Antoine, was attended by around 100 person.